Upper Extremity Orthosis

Upper extremity orthoses can range from simple finger supports to complex braces that support the shoulder-elbow-wrist and hand (SEWHO). The Orthotists have experience fitting and fabricating all types of upper extremity orthoses and can work in close contact with your Occupational Therapist to determine the most suitable orthosis to provide both function and support. Many of these types of orthoses are eligible for funding through the Assistive Devices Program. Speak with an Orthotist or visit our funding page for more information.


Finger Orthosis (FO)

Generally simple in design, it can be used to correct Swan Neck, Boutonniere’s and Mallet finger deformities.


Hand Orthosis

Used to support the hand and thumb when the wrist is fully functional. These orthoses provide support to maintain the thumb and fingers in a functional position to allow increased participation with the affected hand.


Wrist-Hand Orthosis (WHO)

A WHO is used to maintain the hand and wrist in a functional position and prevent contractures from forming. This brace will sometimes include finger support as well.


Elbow Orthosis (EO)

Used to prevent contractures at the elbow and assist with positioning and function.


Shoulder Orthosis

Used to support the shoulder joint following soft tissue injury including dislocation and subluxation.