Ankle-Foot Orthosis (AFO)
An Ankle-Foot Orthosis (AFO) is a custom-made brace, prescribed by a physician, that begins just below the knee and encompasses the leg ankle and foot all the way to the toes. The general purpose of the AFO is to support the leg and foot, maintain proper lower-limb biomechanics during the gait cycle, allow for improved function and community involvement and prevent progressive deformity of the foot and ankle.
At your initial assessment you will meet with your Orthotist to go through a complete assessment of your strength and range of motion and undergo an observational gait analysis. There are many different designs of AFOs, each with different functions and levels of support. In collaboration with your Orthotist at OrthoProActive and your health care team, we will determine which type of AFO will help provide the best functional outcome.
Because the AFO is a custom brace, fabricated and fit by an Orthotist, it is eligible for 75% funding though the Assistive Devices Program.Please visit our funding page for more information or contact OrthoProActive.